National Institute of Marketing of Nigeria (NIMN) Past Questions

Download original copies of National Institute of Marketing of Nigeria NIMN past questions on this page for: Foundation Certificate in Marketing (FCM)
Graduate Diploma in Marketing (ICM)
Post Graduate Diploma (PCM).

The latest NIMN past questions and answers are provided on this page for PDF download. Are you among the many Nigerians that will take the National Institute of Marketing of Nigeria – NIMN exams? If yes, it yes necessary to download this material to help you study and prepare effectively. Candidates are advised to study National Institute of Marketing of Nigeria past questions and answers as this will give them an edge in the coming exams. NIMN exam past questions are compiled to include past exam questions. With these, candidates can brace themselves up by studying these questions rigorously. In the course of studying these questions, you stand a chance to discover questions that are likely to repeat as this happens in subsequent years.

The National Institute of Marketing of Nigeria exam papers will guide you on the patterns and structures of past examinations. In the course of studying these questions, you will discover solutions to the questions. Also, most questions repeat in the subsequent year’s exams, which gives you an edge in discovering those questions that are likely to repeat. You need NIMN exam past questions to be able to study the patterns of previous examinations. Download NIMN professional exam past questions and answers and you’ll be glad you did.

NIMN Past Questions

Below are samples of National Institute of Marketing of Nigeria NIMN past question and answers. These questions are few and incomplete. They serve as samples of the complete material. After studying these samples, proceed by scrolling down to the sectionwith the title; how to download to make purchase/order for the complete NIMN study guide.Instructions will be given on the price and how to make purchase for NIMN study pack.

Samples of NIMN past questions

NIMN past questions include the following:

  • Principles of Marketing
  • Practice of Marketing
  • Promotional Practise
  • Entrepreneurship & Small Business Mgt.
  • Management for Marketing
  • Services Marketing
  • Marketing Information System
  • Economics & Commercial Studies
  • Principles of Accounting
  • Management Accounting
  • International Marketing
  • Principles of Selling
  • Electronic Marketing
  • Product Development & Brand Mgt
  • Strategic Marketing Management
  • Business Environment
  • Consumer Behaviour
  • Sales Management
  • Strategic Management
  • Element of Statistics
  • Marketing Research
  • Financial Accounting
  • Global Marketing
  • Business Law
  • Quantitative Business Analysis
  • Distribution & Logistics Management
  • Integrated Marketing Communications
  • Information Technology
  • Industrial & Agricultural Marketing
  • Direct Marketing
  • Marketing Analysis & Decision Making

NIMN Possible Questions Likely to Repeat

Are you searching for NIMN repeated questions? If yes, check here to see NIMN possible exam questions likely to be repeated. It is highly recommended that you purchase the complete material in order to discover more possible questions. These questions are likely to repeat in the forth coming exams because they have been identified as some of the questions repeated in the previous years. Check out few of them below.

1. Which of the following statements is correct?
A. Marketing is the term used to refer only to the sales function within a firm
B. Marketing managers usually don’t get involved in production or distribution decisions
C. Marketing is an activity that considers only the needs of the organization, not the needs of society as a whole
D. Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large
Correct answer: (D)
Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large

2. Which of the following is NOT an element of the marketing mix?
A. Distribution
B. Product
C. Target market
D. Pricing
Correct answer: (C)
Target market

3. Marketing decision makers in a firm must constantly monitor competitors’ activities-their products, prices, distribution, and promotional efforts-because
A. The competitors may be violating the law and can be reported to the authorities
B. The actions of competitors may threaten the monopoly position of the firm in its industry
C. The actions of competitors may create an oligopoly within an industry
D. New product offerings by a competitor with the resulting competitive variations may require adjustments to one or more components of the firm’s marketing mix
Correct answer: (D)
New product offerings by a competitor with the resulting competitive variations may require adjustments to one or more components of the firm’s marketing mix

4. Political campaigns are generally examples of—
Cause marketing
Organization marketing
Event marketing
Person marketing
Correct answer: (D)
Person marketing

5. ______________ is the collection and interpretation of information about forces, events, and relationships that may affect the organization.
A. Environmental scanning
B. Stakeholder analysis
C. Market sampling
D. Opportunity analysis
Correct answer: (A)
Environmental scanning

6. Which of the following is typically NOT a result of recognizing the importance of ethnic groups by marketers?
A. Use of an undifferentiated one-size-fits-all marketing strategy
B. Different pricing strategies for different groups
C. Variations in product offerings to suit the wants of a particular group
D. Study of ethnic buying habits to isolate market segments
Correct answer: (A)
Use of an undifferentiated one-size-fits-all marketing strategy

7. Strategic marketing planning establishes the—
A. Resource base provided by the firm’s strategy
B. Economic impact of additional sales
C. Tactical plans that must be implemented by the entire organization
D. Basis for any marketing strategy
Correct answer: (D)
Basis for any marketing strategy

8. These objectives are often the most suitable when firms operate in a market dominated by a major competitor and where their financial resources are limited
A. Niche
B. Hold
C. Harvest
D. Divest
Correct answer: (A)

9. When companies make marketing decisions by considering consumers’ wants and the long-run interests of the company, consumer, and the general population, they are practicing which of the following principles?
A. Innovative marketing
B. Consumer-oriented marketing
C. Value marketing
D. Societal marketing
Correct answer: (D)
Societal marketing

10. The use of price points for reference to different levels of quality for a company’s related products is typical of which product-mix pricing strategy?
A. Optional-product pricing
B. Captive-product pricing
C. By-product pricing
D. Product line pricing
Correct answer: (D)
Product line pricing

How to Make Purchase and Download the Past Questions

The cost for NIMN exam papers is 2,500 naira only. To make purchase for the material, pay the sum to the account details below.

Bank Name: First Bank
Account Number: 3133374806
Account Name: Josephine P. O

Upon confirmation of your payment, the past questions will be delivered to your email. Send the payment details in form of depositors name, your email and name of past questions needed to us through 08100923529. You can call or chat on WhatsApp to either place order or confirm payment using the phone number given above (08100923529).

NIMN December 2021 Diet Professional Examination

This is to inform all students and members of the public that registration for the December 2021 diet professional examination of the National Institute of Marketing of Nigeria has commenced. The examination will be held at designated centres from Monday, December 6 to Thursday, December 9, 2021.

Student membership of the Institute is mandatory for any Interested candidate to be eligible to sit for the examination. The completed examination entry forms accompanied by evidence of payment of the appropriate fees must reach the Institute’s Secretariat on or before Friday, November 19, 2021.

Online Registration: Registration for December 2021 Diet can be made online by visiting the institute’s website, clicking on the “certification” tab to follow the process of registration and payment.

NIMN Exam Timetable 2021

DATE MORNING SESSION B              R              E              A K AFTERNOON SESSION
  9.00 A.M – 12.00 NOON 2.00P.M -5.00P.M


Monday Dec. 6, 2021


Principles of Marketing I (FCM I) Management for Marketing (FCM II) Services Marketing (ICM II)

Marketing Information Systems (PCM II)


Business Communications (FCM I) Practice of Marketing (FCM II) Promotional Practice (ICM I)

Entrepreneurship & Small Business Mgt. (PCM I)



Tuesday Dec. 7, 2021



Economics & Commercial Studies (FCM I) Principles of Accounting (FCM II) Managerial Accounting (ICM I) International Marketing (PCMI)


Elements of Statistics (FCM I) Marketing Research (ICMI) Financial Accounting (ICM II) Global Marketing (PCM II)



Wednesday Dec. 8, 2021

Principles of Selling (FCM I)

Electronic Marketing (ICMII)

Product Development & Brand Mgt. (PCM I)

Strategic Marketing Management II (PCM II)

Business Law (FCM II)

Quantitative Business Analysis (ICM I) Distribution&LogisticsManagement


Integrated Marketing Communications (PCM II)

  8.30AM -11.30AM 12.30PM -3.30PM


Thursday Dec. 9, 2021

Business Environment (FCM II) Consumer Behaviour (ICM I) Sales Management (ICM II)

Strategic Marketing Management I (PCM I)

Information Technology (FCMI)

Industrial & Agricultural Marketing (ICM I) Direct Marketing (ICM II)

Marketing Analysis & Decision Making- Case Study (PCM II)


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