Cross River State Permanent secretary Exam Past Questions and Answers

NAF Past Questions

Download Cross River State Permanent secretary Exam Past Questions and answers on this page. Are you among the many Nigerians that will be taking the Permanent secretaries Examination this year. If yes, then don’t slack. Explore so many questions and answers that has been compiled from over the past years. This material will sure go a long way way to revise as well as passing the examination for Permanent Secretaries.

Cross River State Permanent secretary Exam Past Questions

The past questions for Cross River State Permanent Secretaries exam covers the following subject areas:

  • Verbal Reasoning
  • English Language
  • Quantitative Reasoning, and
  • General Knowledge & Current Affairs.

The complete material put together aims to help you aid your preparation and to also boost your chances of passing the exam. The most important thing  is coming out of the exam hall with the conviction that you did your best. As such, we recommend you to download this compendium now as it will be of great help.

Q1): Select the word(s) to make a meaningful sentence. We had to pay more taxi fare because the driver brought us by a …… route.
a) circular
b) circumscribed
c) longest
d) circuitous

Q2): Select the word(s) to make a meaningful sentence. In a changing and …… unstructured business environment, creativity and innovation are being …… demanded of executives.
a) highly, extremely
b) progressively, increasingly
c) increasingly, moderately
d) excessively, rapidly

Q3): Select the word(s) to make a meaningful sentence. The pilot had been warned about the storm, before he ……
a) took away
b) took up
c) took over
d) took off

Q4): Select the word(s) to make a meaningful sentence. The robbers were arrested and …… prison yesterday.
a) brought into
b) brought to
c) taken into
d) taken to

Q5): Select the word(s) to make a meaningful sentence. The ruling party will have to put its own house …… order.
a) in
b) on
c) to
d) into

Q6): Select the word(s) to make a meaningful sentence. Now, the management graduate can expect to have a prosperous life on a …… income without having to depend on finding a place in family business having to tend the paternal estates.
a) professional
b) regular
c) meaningful
d) dependable

Q7): Select the word(s) to make a meaningful sentence. The criminal seems to have acted in …… the three others.
a) collusion
b) coalition
c) collision
d) cohesion

Q8): Select the word(s) to make a meaningful sentence. A woman came in with a baby who, she said, …… a safety pin.
a) was just swallowing
b) swallowed
c) had just swallowed
d) just swallowed

Q9): Select the word(s) to make a meaningful sentence. The machine is difficult to build …… easy to maintain.
a) but
b) and
c) for
d) if

Q10): Select the word(s) to make a meaningful sentence. Besides other provisions, that shopkeeper deals …… cosmetics.
a) with
b) in
c) at
d) for

How to Download the Complete Past Question Papers for Cross River State Permanent Secretary Exams

To download past questions for Cross River permanent secretaries, Pay 2,000 Naira to the account details below, then send proof of payment and your email to us via 08100923529 (whatsapp or SMS).

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Account Number: 3133374806
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